Learning Outside the Classroom

Theory and Guidelines for Practice. Engelsk bog om udeskole og udendørspædagogik.
Learning Outside the Classroom. Bogens omslag

Om bogen

På Routledges Forlag er i 2011 udgivet en bog om læring udenfor klasseværelset: "Learning Outside the Classroom. Theory and Guidelines for Practice" af Simon Beames, Pete Higgins og Robbie Nicol.
About the book
Learning Outside the Classroom outlines theory and practice that will enable and encourage teachers to systematically and progressively incorporate meaningful outdoor learning opportunities into their daily teaching activities in a wide variety of environments and with diverse populations of pupils. This is the first textbook based around the curriculum for prospective and practising primary and secondary teachers and other outdoor educators. The principles and examples presented are intended to be adapted by teachers to suit the needs of their students in ways that draw upon content offered by the local landscape and its natural and built heritage.  Although the focus of this book is ‘the real world’ beyond the classroom, it is also about good teaching — wherever it takes place. While there are chapters on practical issues such as risk-management and supervising groups outdoors, the chapters on curriculum, sustainability, curiosity, responsibility, and educational communities will serve as a valuable guide for anyone interested in applying educational theory to practice.
About the authors
Simon Beames is Lecturer in Outdoor Education. He is creator of the Outdoor Journeys program ─ a cross-curricular outdoor learning initiative for school children – and a frequent speaker and workshop-leader for teachers (in training and practising) about how they may 'take learning outdoors'.
Pete Higgins is Chair of Outdoor and Environmental Education. He is a member of a number of national and international advisory groups on outdoor and environmental education. For the past 10 years he has been a government advisor on outdoor learning and a member of a UNESCO group working to re-orient teacher education to address sustainable development.
Robbie Nicol is Lecturer in Outdoor and Environmental Education. He is a board member of a number of non-governmental organizations, charities and professional institutes, including the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure and Experiential Learning.
"The power of the outdoors to contribute to the learning and educational progress of young people is beyond dispute. The signal contribution of this book is that it helsps us translate these powerful learning experiences into mainstream classroom practice. This is an important book - practitioners with action frameworks to guide theri work."

David Hopkins, Professor Emeritus, Instute of Education, University of London.
"Tha practical suggestions and approaches in "Learning Outside the Classroom" will reduce the mystery and increase the ability of educators and others to give children and their families the gifts of nature, to help them live healthier, happier, and smarter lives. Moreover, the authors of this book join a rising chorus in stating clearly and unequivocally that a meaningful connection to the natural world should be considered a human right. Yes, we need more research in this arena, but we know enough to act, and "Learning Outside the Classroom" will help educators, parents, and other caring adults do just that."
Richard Louv, author of "Last Child in the Woods" and "The Nature Principle".