In and out
VIA´s EU-samarbejde om udeskole og undervisning i uformelle læringsrum.
VIA University Colleges program for outdoorpædagogiske perspektiver har i 2012 afsluttet EU-projektet In&Out - om samarbejdet mellem de formelle og de nonformelle læringsmiljøer - altså om hvordan samarbejdet mellem lærere og museumsvejledere, guider mv kan styrkes. Målet er, at børnene kan få en bedre og mere varieret undervisning uden for klasserummet. In&Out er gennemført i samarbejde med læreruddannelser på universiteter i Tyskland, Sverige og Rumænien.
Konceptet for projektet In&Out er at flytte almindelig curriculumbaseret undervisning og læringsaktiviteter uden for det traditionelle klasseværelse, ved at arbejde med udvikling af lærernes kompetencer for udeundervisning i fag som sprog, matematik, science, kunst & håndværk mfl.
Hjemmeside og film
På projektets hjemmeside ligger der gratis materiale og undervisningsbeskrivelser – på engelsk – og en lille film om grunden til og formålet med at tage børn med ud. Du kan læse mere om projektet på projektet´s hjemmeside - eller nedenfor:
About in&out
In European primary and lower secondary schools, learning outside the classroom is mostly understood as an appendix to academic learning, randomly added to areas traditionally linked to the outdoor setting, such as environmental education or personal development.
In this project the concept is defined as moving regular curricular-based education and learning activities outside the traditional classroom.
Learning outside the classroom
Learning outside the classroom is not integrated in the European formal and non-formal educational systems and its didactic potential remains largely unexploited. One of the reasons for not using learning outside the classroom as an integrated part of the curricular is lack of competencies among teachers and educators. The lack is especially in regards to “classical” subjects in the European schools systems e.g.. Language, Math, Science, Arts & Craft.
Innovative and diverse teaching
The project aims at contributing to making the teaching in schools more innovative and diverse by focusing on to interrelated needs:
- In primary and lower secondary schools there is a need to further develop curriculum-related activities in learning outside the classroom settings through a systematic lift of competencies among teachers in the didactics of learning outside the classroom
- Educators in the non-formal learning settings possess strong communicative skills and are competent at facilitating activity-based learning processes but need training in didactics and learning theory.
Training course package
The partnership will develop a further training course package, aimed at teachers in primary and lower secondary schools and educators in non-formal learning settings. The further training course will be interdisciplinary thus the dual target group will follow the course activities together.
The course package consists of two parts:
- A foundation course with a general introduction to the didactics of learning outside the classroom
- A subject-specific course, integrating the subject areas such as Mathematics, Arts & Craft, Science, and Language.